Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Men and the Goddess

Venus, the Banshee Queen, the delusional Goddess of strife,
Set out to conquer the men of the land with promises of power, wealth and women.
She said to the Man of Law:
"I will make you the most feared man in all the land. No one shall ever think to do you dishonor, in your presence or otherwise."
The Man of Law succumbed.
She said to the Cook:
"I will teach you how to make the most wondrous food in all the land. Lords and Ladies will give their Kingdoms for one dish made by your hand."
The Cook succumbed.
She said to the Shipman:
"I will give you eternal beauty. Women of all castes will flock to you for the rest of you days."
The Shipman succumbed.
She said to the Monk:
"You will receive, Monk, the one think you have always desired.
"I will show you God."
But the Monk turned away.
He said to the Banshee Queen:
"I know my God; you are not Him."