Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How I Sometimes Write Poetry.

It's really easy for me to write poetry. Some of my poetry comes from real, true emotion. That is, I'm feeling very strongly about something and need to get it out, and it comes out as poetry.

A lot of my poetry, though, I just write it. I can look at random groups of words and objects and just create an emotion out of them for me to write about. Is that wrong? I don't know. It's artificial emotion, yes, but it's still emotion where none existed before. And as long as it could potentially mean something to someone else, does it even matter?

This is something I think about frequently.

I'll give you an example of how I can just write something.

I'll take 5 words that I see from stuff around me:


It's 10:38 PM as I write this. Let's see how long it takes me to create something out of those words:

I watch her, fast asleep, head tucked snugly into my pillow.
I rise from the bed to pick up a sock strewn across the window sill; half way across the room, I turn and look.
I can't stop watching her.
Though she sleeps, I still see her eyes, a deep, rain forest green, pulling me into her soul.
I cross the room again, this time to the deck outside.
As I lean on the railing, I watch her still.
For always.
For the moment her eyes drift open, and she pulls me in again.

I felt the emotion as I was writing it. I imagined every little detail of the room. Of the man. Of the woman. But nothing before and nothing after. Just random words into a small scene in my head. Is that really poetry? I don't know. But I like doing it.

(It took 13 minutes)

1 comment:

Andrew Richards said...

Apparently the blog keeps the posted time as when you start typing, not when you actually post. That kinda screwed up what I was trying to show.

Oh well.

I posted it about 5 minutes ago, give or take.